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Implementing new software, what do I need to know?

When evaluating and implementing new software, we all have the best intentions and often get caught up focusing on the end result early on, which generally involves seamless processes, ultra-efficiency and an office with no paper! However, our intentions and reality when it comes to technology, particularly software are often worlds apart.

Why is that? Well, generally speaking it’s because we’re focused on the outcome and not the process.

Working for Vinergy an IT consulting company, we’re fortunate enough to speak with organisations of all sizes and scope across the country and helping them leverage technology to unlock their operational efficiencies is our lives.

What we have comprised 5 key steps to assist in a smooth roll out of your brand-new system;

  1. Understanding – Yep, it’s as obvious as it sounds. Organisations can often fall in the trap of implementing new software(s) without a clear understanding of what their trying to achieve. The first step allows time to review current processes and systems and identifying what, within your business could be improved and why. Gaining a complete understanding helps you build the foundation of your software implementation. 
  2. Identify – This is the opportune time to ask yourself the four key ‘W’ questions, this allows you to identify the rough framework for your roll out;
    1. What – What do we want? What software would benefit us?
    2. When – When would this be rolled out…(Be realistic and allow ample time for transition!)
    3. Who – Who internally will be involved, who will it impact within my team? Do I need to notify external stakeholders?
    4. Why – Why are we looking at changing? 
  3. Evaluation – With an understanding and identification complete, you’re now ready to start evaluating! Depending on your requirements, there may be many options, evaluate carefully and ensure the software is aligned to your understanding and identification. 
  4. Engage – Once the big decision has been made, it’s now time to push the go button! How exciting, however it’s imperative that internal and external stakeholders are informed, and expectations are outlined and agreed upon. This is a great time to also appoint your ‘internal champions’ typically 3-5 team members who will be product matter experts on your new software. Start to scope out training requirements and timings. 
  5. Implementation – Once your software is live and implemented, be patient within the first 3 months, a new system can be a major change for all involved, ensure post implementation ‘check up’s’ are scheduled, this will allow you to review how it’s all going and have feedback provided to you by your team. Don’t be afraid to raise any questions to your consultant or software vendor throughout this time. It’s always wise to schedule a time at the 6 and 12 month mark to review and potentially tweak.

There’s no doubt technology, particularly software has played a pivotal role in businesses looking to improve operational efficiencies in recent years. However, software implementations can be a tricky landscape to navigate, it’s imperative that the process and transition is carefully considered to maximise your desired outcom!

Considering a digital transformation in your business? We would love to hear from you!

Vinergy are specialist IT consultants and Microsoft Silver partners. We are experts in all things Office 365, Dynamics 365 and Azure. Please contact us directly for a free consultation.

Vinergy Business Solutions

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