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What Is ‘The Cloud’ Exactly?

Ah, the cloud. That ambiguous, ever-present entity that holds all our data, documents, photos, videos, and applications. So many people rely heavily on the cloud’s storage ability in their day-to-day lives. Without it, most people’s devices would likely struggle to hold their mountains of information. But what is ‘the cloud’? How does it work? And will your business benefit from cloud migration? Don’t stress, the gurus at Vinergy are here to help have all the answers for you right here. If you’re considering switching to a more cost-effective cloud solution or simply considering trying cloud solutions to replace your existing storage method, the team at Vinergy are happy to help find your business the perfect cloud service provider.

So, what is the cloud?+

You’d be forgiven for immediately conjuring images of fluffy white marshmallows floating through the sky with your images, passwords, and data nestled gently within it. However, that’s not quite what we mean when we refer to a cloud platform. Cloud-based servers like Microsoft Azure, which is a public cloud service, are virtual storage facilities that allow you to store and access your data on a network, usually over the internet. These servers are located in real locations, with huge databases that store all our information securely. The best part about the cloud is that you can access your data from any device connected to the internet. When the cloud is implemented into a business, shared documents and files can be stored in an accessible location and accessed by anyone who needs to view or edit that file.

How does the cloud work?

Whenever you save data to the cloud, it is sent to one of the server locations and stored on a physical server, along with everyone else’s’ data. There are three kinds of clouds; public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. Your business data and resources are then stored there until you need to access it again. When you attempt to access your information, the server gets your request, finds your data, and sends it through to you to read, edit, or send it to someone else. Cloud servers are very secure and take precautions to ensure your data is safe at all times. Providers use a combination of security measures to protect your information. Usually, these include encryption, whereby your file is encoded with an algorithm known only to the service provider (don’t worry, it’s decrypted before it’s sent back to you), authentication (your username and password), and authorisation, which is a list of people who are authorised to access certain data. For your personal use, you may be the only one authorised to view your data. However, in a business environment, the data can be accessed by anyone listed in the authorisation list.

So, what happens if an earthquake destroys the servers? All your information is lost, right? Not quite. Servers are backed up multiple times onto servers in other locations around the world. Cloud computing services go to great lengths to make sure your data is protected and accessible to you at all times.

Will cloud migration benefit my business?

There are quite a few benefits to implementing cloud computing services into your business, so we’ll run through a few of them here.

Comprehensive data backup

When you invest in cloud services, your data is stored and backed up safely. You’ll never have to waste time manually backing up your business hard drives again. Instead, you can go about your day knowing that your data is safe and accessible at all times.

Disaster recovery

In the event of a disaster that affects your business’s technology, you can at least take solace in the fact that your information won’t be impacted. Once your new computers and devices are ready to use, all your existing data is readily available for you to access.

Working remotely

In the 21st century the ‘normal’ workday has gone out the window. Some people are working unusual hours, some are working in different time zones, and others choose to work from home or in remote locations. To cater to a modern workforce, you need a modern cloud computing service. This flexibility will only serve to benefit your business in the long-term as the world continues to change and mould new work expectations.

Working remotely

In the 21st century the ‘normal’ workday has gone out the window. Some people are working unusual hours, some are working in different time zones, and others choose to work from home or in remote locations. To cater to a modern workforce, you need a modern cloud computing service. This flexibility will only serve to benefit your business in the long-term as the world continues to change and mould new work expectations.


Sometimes there are really important files that we won’t need to access every day. Rather than letting them take up space on our desktops or hard drives, these files could be kept safely in a cloud computing service. This means they’re out of the way for now, but are very easily accessible when your business needs them.

Data analysis

One of the best parts of cloud computing is the opportunity it presents for in-depth data analysis. Seemingly unimportant information can be stored until a time when it can be reviewed for data correlation. You never know what hidden gems are waiting to be analysed within the cloud.

I like the sounds of the cloud! So, what now?

If the task of cloud migration seems colossal, don’t worry. That’s where our consultants at Vinergy come in! Our IT experts have a ton of experience in providing cloud solutions to businesses of all sizes. We’re based in the Gold Coast, so we know how to provide tailored solutions to local businesses all over south-east Queensland. Plus, we’re a Silver Microsoft partner, so we know Microsoft Azure like the back of our hands. We’re experts at cloud computer migration, so we’ll work closely you to plan, implement, and maintain your cloud migration experience, so you can go back to running your day-to-day business. Vinergy’s cloud solutions consultants are here to make your life easier, so give us a call today!

Vinergy Business Solutions

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